Sunday 24 November 2013

Learn ms word and windows keyboard shortcut to impress your friends

Posted by Unknown

windows key + D = minimize all windows
windows key + M = minimize all windows
windows key + E = open my computer (windows explorer)
windows key + F = open search
windows key + B = display the task bar (if the bar is set on auto hid)
windows key + L = log out the computer
windows key + You = open utility manager
Alt + F4 = close active window (NOTE: if no window is active, the command will shut down your computer)
F1 = open help and support
F2 = rename any selected file/folder
F3 = activate the search bar
Alt + Tab = switch from one window to another
Ctrl + A = select all
Ctrl + P = open print dialogue box
Ctrl + C = copy selection
Ctrl + V = paste copied item.

Ctrl + D = open font dialogue box
Shift + right arrow = select one character to the right
Shift + left arrow = select one character to the left
Shift + down arrow = select one line downward
shift + up arrow = select one line upward
shift + page down = select select all displayed characters downward
shift + page up = select all this played charecters upward
Ctrl + A = select all
Ctrl + D = duplicate selected object
ctrl + [ = reduce font size
ctrl + ] = increase font size
ctrl + B = bold/unbold font character
ctrl + L = underline font character
ctrl + J = justify selected characters
ctrl + 5 = increse line space by 1.5 pont
alt + F3 = change case

Ctrl + shift + D = apply  double underline to selected text
ctrl +I =  apply italic
ctrl + shift + K = apply selected text as small caps
ctrl + = ("equal to" sign) = subcript formatting
ctrl + shift + = ("equal to" sign) = superscript formatting

ctrl + E = align centre
ctrl + J = justify (alignment)
ctrl +L = align lift
ctrl + R = align right
ctrl + Q = remove paragraph formattingalt + F10 = restore and maximize MS Word window
ctrl + F2  = print preview
alt + F7 = find next spelling
F7  = chevk spelling and grammer
ctrl + S = save

F12 = save as command
Ctrl + F10 = maximize the document window
ctrl F12 = open command
alt + F11 = display visual basic code
alt + F10 = maximize and restore programme window
F4 = repeat the last action
F5 = go to command
F6 = go to next page
shift + F6 = go to previous page
F7 = check spelling
shift + F7 = thesaurus command
ctrl + shift +F6 = go to the previous window
ctrl + shift + F7 = update links information in a word document
alt + F7 = find next misspelling
ctrl + alt + F1 = display M.S. system information

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